martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Newmont ships first copper from Indonesia in eight months

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Copper News Digest
Wednesday 1 October 2014
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30,000 tonnes of copper concentrate were sent out Monday.

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Cat Auction Services is hosting a live auction for the complete dispersal of Chevron's Questa mine. The auction will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 and Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 9:00 am MDT. While most of the items up for auction are mining, there will also be heavy equipment, motor vehicles, agriculture and parts, attachments and shop tools. This is an unreserved auction, so there are no minimum bids or reserve prices. If you can't make it onsite to bid, no worries, we have online bidding.
For the full auction equipment inventory visit,

Fresh selling sees gold price end September down 6% vs historical average gain of 3%, silver tanks 13%, platinum drops 9% and palladium collapses 15% over the course of the month.

It would also create a a 15-kilometre long ''super pit'' from the union of Rio's Mount Thorley Warkworth and Glencore's Bulga open-pit mines.

This is the first fee hike since Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. acquired LME for $2.2 billion in 2012.

We've heard this before.

For thousands of years of development as a species, humans never really needed to understand the real meaning behind big, unreachable numbers such as billions or trillions.

CEO Andrew Mackenzie's pay package is already only half that of his predecessor.

Material Matters - learn more!

The massive figure includes a recently announced $23.5 billion for state-owned copper miner Codelco to revamp century-old mines that are running out of profitable ore.

The business group argues the sector must be nurtured to generate the revenues needed for the country's economic diversification.

U.S. federal court won't make a final decision until at least January 2, 2015.

Bubble chart shows heavy reliance on iron ore and oil for revenues and profits post demerger.

New company would still have its primary listing in Australia, with secondary listings in South Africa and the UK.

With 24 million cubic metres of water and tailings flushed downstream of the Mount Polley gold and copper mine, the company's biggest challenge now is to keep the remaining tailings and water contained.

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