Hedge funds cut bullish bets for eighth straight week and ETF investors grab chance to cash out amid 3%-plus rally in the price of the precious metals.
Cat Auction Services is hosting a live auction for the complete dispersal of Chevron's Questa mine. The auction will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 and Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 9:00 am MDT. While most of the items up for auction are mining, there will also be heavy equipment, motor vehicles, agriculture and parts, attachments and shop tools. This is an unreserved auction, so there are no minimum bids or reserve prices. If you can't make it onsite to bid, no worries, we have online bidding. For the full auction equipment inventory visit, www.catauctions.com.
More than 100 objects, including solid gold jewellery, arm bands and silver ingots are part of the trove, one of the largest discoveries of Viking treasure in Scotland.
"We have all had the experience of seeing goods on sale and procrastinating, and later on seeing them priced much higher. You think to yourself 'I really wish I'd participated.' Those are the kinds of times that get referred to as 'the good old days.'"
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